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SYNOPSIS FOR: Through a Blue Lens

April was the poster girl in a Vancouver police department documentary film about all that can go wrong with life on the streets using hard drugs. The transformation of April Lynn Reoch from young red-headed beauty to a barely recognizable drug-ravaged skeleton in the National Film Board-produced film Through a Blue Lens sent a graphic message to young audiences of the horrors of heroin and cocaine. April made at least five attempts at getting off drugs through various detox programs, and by the age of 24, April had a bad heart condition from the abuse. Doctors told April she would have to change her lifestyle because of the heart condition, and for a time she did, staying at a Surrey recovery house to get her life in order. But the lure of the street was too much and April was found dead in a rooming house on East Hastings Street on Christmas morning. Now, friends and the police officers who shot the eye-opening film are waiting for an autopsy report to find out exactly what killed April.

Genre: Documentary

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